Monday, September 23, 2013

32 weeks

So, things have been really interested over the last 9 weeks or so.  I feel terrible that I haven't been updating this thing regularly like I thought I would, but in all honesty I've just been busy with life and everything going on recently.

I am now 32 weeks pregnant, and have had some complications arise over the last week or two.  On Sept. 10th I woke up with some really intense pain in the middle of my back on the left side.  I thought it was just a gas bubble or something simple, so I tried to suck it up (my dad would be proud of that) and go to work even though I felt like poo.  At work, I kept having to get up and move around because I was so uncomfortable, but there was only one other secretary in, so I was just trying to be tough and stick it out.  Not quite an hour into work, the other secretary suggested that I needed to go home and rest because she could tell I wasn't feeling well at all.  After getting up and moving around again, and at this point in tears (which is very uncommon for me!) I decided she was right and we got things settled, called another secretary to come in when she got the message, and I headed home.  I just had a feeling when I was driving myself home that I needed to throw up, but I hate that so I was fighting with all my might.  When I got home I ended up getting sick and after that the pain slowly started to go away.  I had called my doctor's office and they wanted me to come in because they wouldn't know what was wrong with me unless I came in, but being that I'm stubborn (I know, no way right? haha!) I thought, well I'm between that feeling miserable and feeling okay, so I'll wait a little bit.  I waited an hour, called back in and told them I was feeling much better, but they insisted that I go ahead and come in to be monitored because if I was in so much pain I got sick then something wasn't right.

So, on to the Hospital Richard and I went.  Richard was a trooper that day, because it was his day off of work and he spent the majority of it with me going to the hospital and then spending the afternoon there.  Once we got to the hospital, and they took a urine sample, I had some blood in my urine, so they wanted to check me to make sure baby and everything was okay.  So, they hooked me up to the monitor to see if I was having an contractions and watch Amaya's heart rate.  My doctor came in, everything was looking good, but unfortunately I was having some contractions, and I didn't even know it.  They wanted me to have an IV then because of the contractions and I received a shot to relax my uterus and then the IV.  This is the second time in my life that I had ever received an IV before, and it was not a fun experience.  After another 45 minutes or so, the contractions had stopped, I had been administered antibiotics in precaution  because my doctor believes that I may have kidney stones.  So, I was given a prescription of antibiotics to start the next morning and had to schedule a renal ultrasound (for my kidneys).  

On top of all of this, the week before I found out that I am one of the unfortunate pregnant women who got Gestational Diabetes (GD).  Having GD is not a lot of fun, because I have to watch and count my carbohydrate intake for each meal/snack and keep my blood sugar levels under a certain number.  I met with a dietitian and all things seem to be going well thus far in the journey.  As of today my fasting number (my blood sugar number when I very first wake up in the mornings) has been higher than they wanted, and I started out with a small dose of glyburide (a pill to help my pancreas make more insulin) I'm having to up my dosage again tonight.  I tried to low dosage for 6 days and it just isn't quite enough to level my numbers out, so we are trying a little more to see if this helps.  I did get good news today that everything else seems to be going well and the dietician is very happy with my diet plan.

Considering all things, a nice part of having GD is that I got to have a growth ultrasound September 12th and I got some awesome pictures of baby girl.  Their estimate is that she is approximately 4 pounds and 4 ounces, so we might have a "big" girl on our hands, which unfortunately is one of the things they monitor because with GD, the babies can sometimes get too big.  I will have a follow up ultrasound to check her growth again on October 14th so we can see where she is as far as size and make a better plan on when she will arrive and if other options such as induction or c-section need to be discussed.  I am hoping and praying I can have a normal and natural delivery and to last past November 4th, as Richard will have a lot going on at work with the Spirit International Golf Tournament the week before.

Here are some pictures we got from our Ultrasound that I wanted to share.

She looks like she's got mommies toes. She also had her feet up by her head. 

How far along?  32 weeks 4 days (51 more days to go!)

Baby is the size of a:  Honeydew.  Not sure how long she is, What to Expect says between 19 inches.  At our appointment September 12th they figure she is weighting in around 4 pounds 4 ounces and today my doctor said she expects her to be around 8 pounds at birth.

Total weight gain: I’m right at 20.5 pounds.

Sleep: It’s alright, some nights I sleep really hard and do well, other nights I have trouble getting back to sleep after getting up to use the restroom. 

Best moment this week: Getting to hear baby girls heartbeat today at my appointment.

Development this week: She’s just packing on lots of weight (approximately 1/2 pound a week) now and is set to grow a few more inches in length.  I am starting to notice her kicking and pokes a lot more as she is beginning to run out of "cushion" for those blows.

Miss Anything: I do, now that I have gestational diabetes, I miss the sweets and candy and things that I was eating (in moderation).  Unfortunately I won’t get to eat those things again until after she’s born.

Movement: She is on my right side and just loves sticking her butt out to get settled and comfortable.  She kicks a lot and is really responding to Richard’s voice each night when he talks to her.  She kicked/punched tons last night and it was pretty funny to watch her carry on for about 15 minutes.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just wishing this heartburn would go away.

Symptoms: Not much anymore, just the heartburn.

Food Cravings: Everything that I am no longer allowed to eat, haha. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m in a good mood most of the time, I’ve  had two emotional breakdowns one I knew it was silly and started laughing while I was crying.  Richard got a kick out of it I’m sure, the other because my glucose numbers were a little wacky for a day or so, and it was just disappointing.

Looking forward to: is it sad to say I look forward to hopefully starting to nest soon?  I want a clean house I just don't have a strong desire to clean right now.  I think I have little bits of it, because when I get started I want to finish that task, but nothing crazy like some say can happen.  I am ready to have my house in complete order!

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

23 Week Update

So, I'm extremely terrible! I have not updated this in over a month.  Things have been so busy here at camp this summer that I just haven't taken the time to get back on here and update everything and everyone.

Well, first up, our baby is 100% officially a GIRL!! We are so stinking excited!! It will be so much fun to spoil a little girl, and for Richard to have a Daddy's little girl.

Here are the pictures we got from our Anatomy Scan, that was July 1st, when I was 20 weeks 4 days. It is amazing to me, that there is so much detail to see when she was only weighing approximately 12 oz. at that appointment.

Girl shot, definitely no boy parts.

Little shot of her face

The arm rubbing her eyes.

Profile shot

Her little feel.  Definitely looks like she has daddies toes (thank goodness she doesn't have monkey toes like me!)

Her legs crossed at the ankle, maybe she'll be a little polite thing.

Face shot.


Nuzzling her face.

Here is my picture from 19 weeks.  Was just starting to get between that pudgy looking stage.

20 Week picture

21 Week Picture, you can imagine that Richard was making me laugh really hard when taking this picture... He is always wanting to goof around and joke about things!

This is a beautiful gift we received from one of our co-workers.  She said that Richard had complained about the amount of pink she would be wearing, and she searched and searched until she found an Orange diaper cover, so that she would have come orange in her life (just like daddy's wishes).  She now has 3 flower headbands, that are absolutely adorable!

And last but not least, a picture from this morning at 23 weeks and 2 days.

How far along?  23 weeks 2 days

Baby is the size of a:  Ear of Corn is what the What to Expect App says, measuring in at 8.5 inches crown to rump, and 1 1/2 pounds.  Another site I read from frequently says that she is about 11 inches long (total) right now.

Total weight gain: Sitting in at 6-7 pounds.  I'm doing great!

Sleep: blah! It is terrible here lately.  Insomnia is setting in and it's really hard to get a solid amount of sleep unless I am just dead tired.

Best moment this week: Getting to see some friends that have come in this weekend, and also realizing that Amaya is having hiccups pretty often.  

Development this week: The pancreas is kicking into gear sometime around this week and blood vessels continue to develop in the lungs. 
All kinds of sounds can now be heard in the womb, from my breathing, to tummy gurgles, to honking horns and barking dogs.

Miss Anything: Just a good night of sleep every night.

Movement: I feel her every day now multiple times a day.  She has the hiccups and likes to kick at random times during the day.  It no longer takes me by surprise.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, although I did get sick this week, I really feel like it was random.

Symptoms: Not really much any more, just get hungry quickly.

Food Cravings: I'm enjoying Carmello candy right now, and definitely have been craving blackberry cobbler, speaking of which, I'll probably make one tonight.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I'm usually in a good mood.  I get a little frustrated sometimes, but I haven't been very emotional.

Looking forward to: My mommy, twin, nieces, and sister coming to see me next weekend!

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

18 weeks

How far along?  18 weeks 2 days

Baby is the size of a:  mango, approximately 6 inches and 1/2 pound.

Total weight gain: Still working on getting my weight back up.

Sleep: Starting to sleep a lot harder which is nice.  I just keep waking at least once a night to use the bathroom still.

Best moment this week: Felt the baby move for the first time.  It was the first time I knew I was feeling the baby.  Also, the girls (nieces) getting here to Camp, and being extremely excited.  

Development this week: The baby is moving around much more.  Arms and legs are now in proportion and neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone.  The baby is also getting the "cheesy varnish" to protect its skin from the amniotic fluid.

Miss Anything: Not this week, well besides feeling normal sometimes...

Movement: Just little movements here and there.  I'm really excited for them to get big enough for Richard to also feel.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  Brushing my teeth isn't always fun and sometimes causes gagging.

Symptoms: Still tired some but definitely it's getting better now.

Food Cravings: Nothing in particular, some things sound better than others.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly a good mood.  I feel a little moody some days, and just know that I need to take a deep breath and walk around a little.

Looking forward to: My appointment in 2 weeks to find out 100% what the baby is, and to also see the baby in 3D to see if there are any visual defects.
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

17 weeks and update from last appointment

Well, I know I missed last week.  Things have just been so busy around here that I didn't get around to taking a picture or posting anything on here.  Our doctors appointment was wonderful!  We got to see our little baby and hear the heartbeat.  The heartbeat was 150.  We tried to see the gender, but the baby is already stubborn (nothing like it's mother or father huh? haha!)  As soon as the doctor got the image up of between the legs, not even 2 seconds in, a little hand appeared, making it almost impossible to tell what was going on down there!  I guess the baby doesn't want us to know just yet, but I would have loved to find out then.

I had the option to have blood work done for Down Syndrome and any other abnormalities, and Richard and I decided we would do it, as NOTHING would ever make us love our baby any less, and we aren't in any risk factors for anything, but we decided it would be nice to know if something was going on, so that we could be mentally prepared.

We will go to our next appointment on July 1st just for a short check up with my doctor, and then we will travel to the hospital I am giving birth at to have an anatomy scan done to ensure there is nothing wrong with the babies brain, heart, or limbs, and to also check for clef palate or any other visual defects.  We will also find out 100% sure what the baby is.  Our doctor made a guess, but we have decided not to truly "announce" what we are having until we are certain what it is.  I can say I am extremely excited about that because I would LOVE to stop calling the baby "it" or switching back and forth between he/she.

Here are the stats for week 17:

How far along?  17 weeks 2 days

Baby is the size of a:  sweet potato, approximately 5.5 inches from crown to rump and 5 ounces.

Total weight gain: Still working on getting my weight back up.

Sleep: Good still.  A little up and down with Camp getting ready to start and usually going to bed before Richard gets home.

Best moment this week: Getting to see friends as they came in for CTS.  And one of my bosses sons (that is 6) putting his head on my belly and telling me the baby touched his ear, it was really cute.  I think as excited for this baby as Richard and I.

Development this week: The art of the yawn is being mastered.  Baby is starting to move around more, twisting, kicking, rolling, and punching, even though I haven't felt anything yet.  Baby's nervous system is now in working order.  Baby is also growing more acute at hearing, making the little one more conscious of sounds from inside my body.

Miss Anything: not too much.  Got some caffeine free Dr. Peppers and usually have one every day or two.

Movement: Still nothing that I have said, oh my gosh that's the baby.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.

Symptoms: Still tired often and definitely starting to notice this heat.  I have been a little more irritable lately, but I feel I have done a good job not letting others see that, well except for Richard having to hear me rant about life.

Food Cravings: Nope, still nothing that just jumps out at me.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm in a good mood most of the time.  Work is definitely busy, but I do enjoy my job and the people I work with.

Looking forward to: Camp starting tomorrow! It will be crazy busy, but lots of fun.  Our step-nieces are coming to Camp, and Richard and I are REALLY excited to hang out with those 2 lovely girls!

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Monday, May 27, 2013

15 weeks

How far along?  15 weeks 4 days

Baby is the size of a:  Avocado (yuck, I strongly dislike looking at these right now) or beefsteak tomato.

Total weight gain: I think from my last look, I'm back up 3 pounds.

Sleep: good most nights, just still waking up frequently to use the potty

Best moment this week: Getting to spend Saturday with Richard, it was one of our last Saturdays to be together all day before Camp kicks off.

Development this week: Baby is breathing amniotic fluid through its nose and respiratory tract, giving those lungs some practice.  Can also sense light and pressure from the outside.

Miss Anything: Cokes and Dr. Peppers, but I'm starting to like root beer much more 

Movement: I think I felt some movement Saturday morning, but I'm not positive.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not as much, still don't like avocados so much... 

Symptoms: Tired in the evenings still, and get queasy if I don't eat whenever I'm hungry. 

Food Cravings: Still not extremely keen on the sweets.  I do like salty/sour things right now.  (Old wives tales say that means boy...only time will tell) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm in a pretty good mood most of the time, but if someone annoys me I can get off on a rant pretty quickly.

Looking forward to: Going to my doctors appointment on Wednesday, and getting to hear the heartbeat.  We heard it a little at my last appointment but the baby was moving so much it didn't last for very long. 
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

14 weeks

How far along?  14 weeks

Baby is the size of a:  Average clenched fist or navel orange

Total weight gain: Still down around 5 pounds

Sleep: Much better after Richard bought me a snoogle pillow for my "Mother's (to-be) Day"

Best moment this week: Getting to see all my sisters and hang out for a short time

Development thus week: Baby is starting to "straighten out" and growing the lanugo (body hair to keep baby warm). Baby is also starting to make facial features like squinting and possibly sucking its thumb. 

Miss Anything: Dr. Pepper and Coke. I'm trying so hard to stay away from caffeine. 

Movement: Haven't felt anything noticeable yet

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much anymore. I'm definitely feeling better most of the time. 

Symptoms: Still a little tired in the evenings and some headaches but doing pretty good right now. 

Food Cravings: A Salty Frog sno-cone. But there isn't a sno-cone stand close by so instead I'm eating limon chips. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel happy most of the time. Haven't been overly emotional or irrational yet. 

Looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend as it will be the last weekend Richard and I can relax together at home before Camp gets truly underway. 

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Exciting News!!

So, I'm terrible at this and haven't updated in over a year. Good thing I don't have any readers....haha.

I have some very exciting news to share! Richard and I have known for a while but are ready to announce our pregnancy with baby #1!! I am currently 11 weeks and 4 days and extremely excited about our future and starting a new chapter in our lives!

I'm going to try to post weekly updates on how I'm feeling/doing.

How far along? 11 weeks 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Large plum

Total weight gain: I've actually lost 5 pounds no thanks to morning sickness.

Sleep: I do pretty good early in the evening but wake up lots during the night. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly though.

Best moment this week: Today, getting to see little Bombach moving and kicking around at the doctors appointment.

Miss Anything: not really. Some days I miss a nice cold Dr. Pepper but settling for Sprite and water is suiting fine now.

Movement: None noticeable yet, but did see baby kicking around like crazy in the ultrasound.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Getting hungry is my problem right now, I've been getting better. Definitely keep crackers by my bed and I am grateful for Zofran!

Symptoms: Morning sickness, and it's no joke. Although mine is more early morning/late evening sickness. Also having some crazy heartburn here lately.

Food Cravings: None really, although if something sounds good I tend to only want that thing.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I'm in a good mood most of the time.

Looking forward to: Going home for Mother's Day and hanging out with my mom and family.

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